FYI Docs Configuration

FYI Docs Configuration


Without ATOmate, archiving client ATO correspondence is a heavily manual and time consuming process. A major benefit of ATOmate is that it can automatically archive the ATO documents it has processed. For FYI Docs users, this means you should have a significantly reduced need to manually archive items.

For ATOmate to archive these documents you will need to connect ATOmate to your FYI Docs. For the Connection Guide please see this guide - FYI Docs Connection

This guide covers how to complete the setup between ATOmate and FYI Docs.


Under Settings, FYI Docs you will find the configuration screen for setting your ATOmate to use FYI Docs.



Configure the document file name by choosing the Default Name or Custom Name. The default name format is: {DocType}_{CAL_DocYear}_{FirstName} {Surname_Company}

Note: If using Custom anywhere you need to know the placeholders to pull that value. You must use the curly brackets when using placeholders.

Custom Name PlaceHolders

You must use the curly brackets {PLACEHOLDER} when using placeholders.

Common File Name PlaceHolders to use:


Field Description

Example Data


Client Code from PMS



Client's ID in DMS



Client's ID in DMS



Document Date or Date of Issue



Name of ATO document

Notice of Assessment


Year taken calculated from DocDate


Field Code

Field Code

Field Code


Family Group Name

Bobs Family Group


Client First Name from PMS



Client Surname or business name from PMS


Unknown Client

When ATOmate has been unable to match a document to a client, it is flagged as Unknown Client and will file in FYI Docs under a specific client. Eg Unknown ATOmate Client

Add the Client ID, Name, UUID, Code as required from your PMS. This is usually set on the PMS tab in ATOmate.


Please see this guide for Finding, Renaming & Refiling documents in the Unknown ATOmate Client folder

Document filing configuration setup

You can choose to file all documents to one location (Default) or you can specify different folders (levels) for different documents. Eg ABN Registration to Permanent instead of Correspondence.


Document Type

The Document Type of Default will file all documents to this location unless specified by document type. For Document Specific filing see this guide.

Cabinet (Filing Cabinet)

This is the name of the Cabinet in FYI Docs where the client documents will be stored.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 134648.png

Category Name

If you are using Work Types in FYI Docs, you will need to Select “Work Type” from this dropdown. If you are not using Work Types, leave this as N/A.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 134608.png

Category Value

After Selecting “Work Type” from the previous dropdown, use this drop down to select the required Work Type Value. If you are not using Work Types, leave this as N/A.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 134701.png

Year Category

When using Years, select “Year” from this dropdown. If you are not using Year, leave this as N/A.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 134630.png

Year Value

After Selecting “Year” from the previous dropdown, use this drop down to select the preferred Year reference for filing. If you are not using Years, leave this as N/A.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 134639.png

Financial Year End will use the current financial year except when a doc has a tax year, eg 2024 NOA will file in 2024, 2021 NOA will file in 2021.

Doc Year will use the year from the document date to file. eg 01/10/2024 will file in 2024 whereas 01/03/2025 will file in 2025

When completed, click Save.

Screenshot 2024-05-31 102024.png

Document Specific Filing

To add a line for a specific document, click Add in the bottom left corner.

Then choose the document type you wish to create specific location for. Then complete the level/s required.

Click Save

Screenshot 2024-05-31 102024.png


End of Article

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